Discover The Power of a Rebrand

Strategic 90-Day Growth Plan For Small Businesses

Rebuild the foundation of your business through plug-and-play frameworks, action guides, templates, software systems, and expert coaching.

Without a Strong Brand, Your Business Will Struggle To Thrive

You Can Avoid These Mistakes

A Strong Brand Will Unlock Unlimited Growth

The Benefits of Completing 90 Day Rebrand

Knowledge You Will Gain

  • The Power of Branding: Discover how your brand will become your company’s most valuable asset.

  • How to Lead Your Creative Team: Learn how to find, recruit, train, and retain top talented creative professionals to implement your brand strategy.

  • How to Audit Your Brand: Gain clarity into where your brand is performing best, and where you need to make improvements.

  • How to Define Your Brand: Build the foundation for your brand strategy by defining your Purpose, Visio, Mission, and Values.

  • How to Attract Your Ideal Customers: Locate, target, and entice your ideal customers with design and branding that connect with them emotionally.

  • How to Beat The Competition: Discover the weaknesses of your top competitors, and how to capitalize on those weaknesses by differentiating your brand.

  • The Importance of Great Design: Great design will influence the purchasing decision of the consumers more than any other element in your brand strategy.

  • How to Design Engaging Visual Identity: Learn how to design logos, color palettes, typography, and imagery that impacts the consumer and builds brand recognition.

  • How to Implement Consumer Touchpoints: Put your brand strategy to work by implementing it into your most high performing consumer touchpoints.

  • How to Manage Your Brand: Maintain brand consistency, increase brand equity, and maintain a positive brand status through audits and guidelines.

Results You Will Achieve

  • Clarity and Focus: Determine exactly where your brand is performing best, and where it is failing, and how to fix problem areas.

  • Increased Employee Engagement & Output: Build a collaborative and engaged team culture that will foster creativity and influence the consumer.

  • Become an Industry Leader: Implement an effective brand strategy that will beat your competition and position you as the best option to the consumer.

  • Consumer Trust and Loyalty: Gain the trust and respect of your customers by creating and cultivating long lasting relationships.

  • More Impactful Design: Engage with your target audience with impactful and beautiful logos, web pages, graphics, and marketing campaigns.

  • Better Communication: Learn how to speak to and influence your audience through brand messaging, voice, and personality.

  • Improved Workflow: Develop brand guidelines and processes that will assist your creative team when designing all your consumer touchpoints.

  • Customers Connections: Locate your ideal customers and communicate with them authentically so they know you are part of their tribe.

  • Consistency & Recognition: Develop a strategy to implement every aspect of your brand, so it becomes recognizable by the consumer.

  • Increased Equity: Continue to gain valuable brand equity across all your touchpoints and increase the overall value of your brand.

90-Day Rebrand is Your Guaranteed Plan For Success & Growth

Don't Miss Out on These Opportunities

The Only Complete 90-Day Brand Building System

Gain Instant Access to Everything You Need

  • 360 Page 90 Day Reband Workbook

  • 50+ Video Training Modules

  • Brand Audit & Framework Guide

  • Brand Personality Assessment

  • Visual Brand Identity Assessment

  • Consumer Experience Touchpoint Audit

  • Brand Strategy SWOT Analysis

  • Brand Strategy Rebrand Assessment

  • Customer to Brand Relationship Assessment

  • Brand Purpose Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Vision Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Mission Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Values Assessment & Framework

  • Target Audience Framework

  • Customer Characterization Type Assessment

  • Competitor Audit Framework

  • Brand Personality Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Tagline Framework

  • Brand Voice Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Positioning Assessment

  • Unique Selling Proposition Framework

  • Brand Positioning Statement Framework

  • Logo Design Framework

  • Brand Color Framework

  • Brand Typography Framework

  • Brand Guidelines Framework

  • Consumer Brand Touchpoint

  • Creative Brief Framework

  • Design Process Framework

  • Web Page Layout & Content Framework

  • Web Page Wireframe & Design Framework

  • Website Architecture & Sitemap Framework

  • Website Development Best Practices

  • 360 Page 90 Day Reband Workbook

  • 50+ Video Training Modules

  • Brand Audit & Framework Guide

  • Brand Personality Assessment

  • Visual Brand Identity Assessment

  • Consumer Experience Touchpoint Audit

  • Brand Strategy SWOT Analysis

  • Brand Strategy Rebrand Assessment

  • Customer to Brand Relationship Assessment

  • Brand Purpose Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Vision Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Mission Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Values Assessment & Framework

  • Target Audience Framework

  • Customer Characterization Type Assessment

  • Competitor Audit Framework

  • Brand Personality Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Tagline Framework

  • Brand Voice Assessment & Framework

  • Brand Positioning Assessment

  • Unique Selling Proposition Framework

  • Brand Positioning Statement Framework

  • Logo Design Framework

  • Brand Color Framework

  • Brand Typography Framework

  • Brand Guidelines Framework

  • Consumer Brand Touchpoint

  • Creative Brief Framework

  • Design Process Framework

  • Web Page Layout & Content Framework

  • Web Page Wireframe & Design Framework

  • Website Architecture & Sitemap Framework

  • Website Development Best Practices

Additional Bonus!

3 Months Free of Brand Builder 360

When you enroll in 90-Day Rebrand today, you will also receive 3 months of free access to the Brand Builder 360 all-in-one design and marketing platform to optimize and accelerate your business growth.

Start Your 90-Day Rebrand

Regular Enrollment = $795 - SAVE 50% Today

One-time investment for lifetime access and support!

Only $395

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Enroll today, get inside and see if everything I provide is valuable to you. Then, after 14 days, you can decide to stay or leave the program. If it’s not for you, no hard feelings. Simply return the completed course materials and you will be 100% reimbursed.
It’s as simple as this: Show up, do the work, and your investment is guaranteed.

Chris McCarthy

Brand Growth Advisor

Hi, I’m Chris McCarthy, a brand strategist, designer, and marketer. Over the past 25 years, I've had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s most recognized and respected brands, including Penske Automotive Group, Ford Motor Company, MGM Resorts, Caesars Entertainment, The Hard Rock Hotel, The American Red Cross, and the City of Las Vegas.

As a trusted brand growth advisor, I help businesses create strong brand identities and implement strategies that truly connect with their audiences, leading to significant growth. I enjoy mentoring and coaching others in brand strategy, and it’s been incredibly rewarding to help countless business owners and designers take their branding to the next level.

My career has been all about continuous learning and striving for excellence. I’ve dedicated myself to understanding what makes brands successful and have developed innovative strategies that consistently deliver results.

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The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form. Do not distribute or train from this material without written permission.
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Chris McCarthy

Brand Growth Advisor

Hi, I’m Chris McCarthy, a brand strategist, designer, and marketer. Over the past 25 years, I've had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s most recognized and respected brands, including Penske Automotive Group, Ford Motor Company, MGM Resorts, Caesars Entertainment, The Hard Rock Hotel, The American Red Cross, and the City of Las Vegas.

As a trusted brand growth advisor, I help businesses create strong brand identities and implement strategies that truly connect with their audiences, leading to significant growth. I enjoy mentoring and coaching others in brand strategy, and it’s been incredibly rewarding to help countless business owners and designers take their branding to the next level.

My career has been all about continuous learning and striving for excellence. I’ve dedicated myself to understanding what makes brands successful and have developed innovative strategies that consistently deliver results.